BWS #4 – I know what your solopreneur journey is missing

Today, I’m going to show you why being organized is so important.

Do you plan on running your business solo? Or are you thinking of having team members? Either way, without having your systems and processes organized, you will not be able to grow.

Unfortunately, so many people running their businesses have great ideas but fail to plan as they go. You have to organize your systems and processes as you grow to hold your business together.

Solopreneurs often don’t know how to get organized.

There are a few reasons solopreneurs don’t get their businesses organized. They:

  • Don’t know how
  • Don’t have the attention span
  • Are busy doing client work
  • Don’t see the value

Can you relate to any of these? I know I could at one point!

Getting your business organized is one of the first steps that will allow you to grow your business.

Below are the steps to go from unorganized to organized.

Step 1: Organization has to become a top priority

As I mentioned earlier, if you want any growth chance, you have to have organization.

Audit your:

  1. Time – How is my time spent from day to day?
  2. Systems – Are the systems I am using working?
  3. Processes – Do I know all the steps in each process, and are they documented?
  4. Plan – Am I sticking to the plan I built out?

Step 2: You have to take ownership of everything

Your business can run rampant if you don’t take control of it. The day-to-day can seem like a living nightmare that we are living in if we don’t take responsibility.

Client deadlines will start to be missed, followed by missed emails. Then, it is a snowball effect on what will happen next. You don’t want to be in this situation!

We have all heard the saying, “take the bull by the horns,” correct? Well, that is precisely what we need to do with our business. Take control of it.

Step 3: Being overwhelmed won’t last forever

Now that you are in control of your business, your business is no longer in control of you. You can start laying the foundation of your business.

You have started:

  1. Getting your time back
  2. Having systems that are working for you and not against you
  3. Knowing the processes you have in place
  4. Not deviating from the original plan

There is light at the end of the tunnel, and the stress you feel inside your business does not have to last forever. You can become like others before you and go from unorganized to organized.



Step 1: Organization has to become a top priority

Step 2: You have to take ownership of everything

Step 3: Being overwhelmed won’t last forever


As soon as you are ready, there is a way to work with me:

  1. Organize and Automate your business today
  2. Dubsado setup

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