BWS #1 – Steps To Organize Your Email

In this first issue, I will show you how to create a clean and organized email with 4 simple steps.

By implementing these steps, your email will have 0 unread emails, and the stress that was once there will be gone.

Unfortunately, most people don’t take the time to implement these steps. As a result, their emails start to build up and soon are out of control.

78,254 unread emails are a thing of the past; 0 unread emails are the new norm.

There are no games or gimmicks in this issue. Only an established method that anyone can use to get their inbox down to 0.

Let’s jump right into the steps.

Step 1: Unsubscribe from emails.

Unsubscribe from emails you are no longer interested in or spam emails you always receive. You will be on your way to a clean inbox by unsubscribing from emails.

Seeing lots of emails can cause stress, and no one wants to have more stress in life.



Step 2: Set up folders/labels

Create folders/labels to place emails so your email is organized. Emails no longer have to stay in your inbox and can be moved to a location you would like them to go to.

Folders/labels clean up your inbox by not having emails you have already read or emails that are not of importance right away in your inbox. Setting up folders/labels does not take long at all and is another quick tip to clean up your email.

Step 3: Set up filters for folders/labels

Creating filters for your email will place the email you receive directly in the folders/labels you created. The email will no longer go to your inbox once you update the rule for that email address. Filters can be tricky because you must ensure you put in the correct folders/labels.

Yes, we can create folders in emails!

Step 4: Archive or delete old emails 

You will need to ask yourself, do I want to keep this email and not see it, or do I want it gone forever? Once you decide that then you can choose to archive or delete.

Archiving will place the email in your “all mail” section and no longer be in your inbox; however, you can search for it and find it effortlessly.

Deleting the email will make it gone forever. You will no longer have access to it. That may be the right decision for several of your emails.

Simple steps to get your inbox down to 0.


Step 1: Unsubscribe from emails

Step 2: Set up folders/labels

Step 3: Set up filters for folders/labels

Step 4: Archive or delete old emails


As soon as you are ready, there is a way to work with me:

  1. Organize and Automate your business today
  2. Dubsado setup



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